Tokata – Aufruf an unsere indigenen Freunde zur Solidarität mit den Verteidiger*innen des Hambacher Waldes

Unser Aufruf zum Hambacher Forst ( nachzulesen am Ende dieses Beitrags) hat mittlerweile unsere indigenen Freund*innen in den USA erreicht und erste Soli-Adressen liegen vor. Hier eine Message vom Women´s Earth and Climate Actrion Network:

Dear Mike and Allies,
We are not a Native American Nation, but an organization that supports the protection of the Hambach Forest with all our hearts. Our team, the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International, visited the forest at the end of the UN climate talks in 2017, and filmed this short video to share your story with our global network:
We stand with you and deeply appreciated the risks of all the forest defenders! We mourn the loss of the young journalist working to document your struggle.
In solidarity,
Osprey Orielle Lake
Founder/Exec.Dir. Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN)
Executive Committee, Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature
San Francisco Bay Area, California

..und hier unser Aufruf:

urgent : demand for solidarity for protectors of Hambach Forest in Germany by our indigenous friends

Dear friends in Native America,

since 19 years our little NGO is struggeling with you together in a lot of conflicts: our common fight to free Leoanard Peltier, our fights against pipeline projects like DAP, Keystone XL and others or the ski ressort at the San Francisco Peaks, against Peabody Cole in the Black Mesa or the telescope on Mount Graham. We supported you in a lot of environmental cultural, social and political fights and today we ask you just for a short message to support us here in Germany in one of our fights to protect Mother Earth.

Since years one of the biggest soft coal opencast mining projects is now coming closer and closer to the last 2471 acres of the more then 12.000 years old Hambach Forest, home of some rare species of animals and plants. To protect the forest, protecters built tree houses high in the trees and built barricades against harvester machines and the police force. Last Thursday the police started to enter the forest, special forces climbed up to the tree houses and arrested forest protectors and started to destroy the tree houses. Yesterday a young journalist died during his documentary work after falling down 22 ft from a swing bridge, that connects some of the tree houses. Even now the police stopped temporary the vacation of the tree houses and forest, it is planed by Germans energy trust RWE to clearcut the whole forest in Oct. 2018.

As German Leonard Peltier Support Group and Supportgroup for indigenous environmental, cultural, social and human rights projects we are now travelling to the Hambach Forest. In this situation for the protectors of the forest it would be a great emotional and also political support getting solidarity adresses from our indigenous protectors of Mother Earth. Just as we did it all the years from Germany to you, so please show, that solidarity is not a one way street. Let´s stay together in international solidarity.

Just send us your okay for using your name (no adress) and may be your indigenous nation. And of course you can send some nice words of support. We would bring them up to the Hambach Forest and include them in our speech.

Thanks for supporting us.

Mike Koch

Live-Ticker from Sept. 19th:…/2018/09/18/ticker-from-septemb…/


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